
A valuable method to ensure enterprise-grade protection for your DevOps pipelines

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From code integrity checks to the verification of software dependencies, Aegis immediately uncovers and traces code issues within your organization and software supply chain.

By giving you the ability to precisely pinpoint the origin of the issue, Aegis enables you to introduce the concept of accountability into your software development lifecycle.

How It Works

During each step of the software development, Aegis automatically validates and reports the integrity of all the involved software dependencies using our own blockchain-powered registry of artifacts. This protects your software against man-in-the-middle network attacks, malicious code injection attacks, and even against unintended package versioning discrepancies in dynamic languages such as Python.

Learn more about the technology


Aegis has been developed in collaboration with cybersecurity experts at Thales Alenia Space and the University of Cambridge. Thales Alenia Space was also the first customer to adopt the product and deploy it to their comprehensive software supply chain.

I am excited to see that Aegis is directly addressing the most burning security challenges of complex software applications.
Tomas PaulikUniversity of Cambridge

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